Do you have a plant lover in your life that you want to get a plant related gift, but have no clue where to start? This blog is for you! We know buying a plant lover a new plant can be overwhelming when you do not know much about plants, so we made a list of gifts you can give any plant lover in your life that are not plants.

Chunky Potting Mix

Plant lovers always have a few plants that are in need of a repot! Pick them up a bag of our custom blended potting mix for their next repotting adventure!

Chunky Potting Mix

Moss Poles

Moss Poles are a practical gift for plant parents who love plants that climb! They will defdefinitely appreappreciate the functionality and notice your attention to detail!

Moss Poles

Plant Velcro

Plant Velcro is the duct tape of plant lovers. A great gift to pair with a moss pole or trellis!

Plant Velcro


Whether you grab an adorable PlantyTude' trellis, customizable trellis from SuperTrellis, or a simple metal trellis, grabbing a trellis is a great way to

Super Trellis

Coco Chips

For those plant lovers who enjoy making their own soil mix, getting them a brick of Coco Chips helps them stock up and be prepared for late night repotting projects!

Coco Chips

Pest Management

Grabbing some Captain Jack's Dead Bug, Systemic Granuals, or Neem Oil is the perfect way to help prepar them for any pest problem they might encounter.

Insecticidal Soap


Grabbing some Dyna Gro Fertilizer or a bag of Worm Castings is perfect for plant lovers with a lot of plants. Just make sure to let them do the fertilizing!

Dyna Gro


Take a look around your plant lover's collection to figure out what type or color pots they seem to go for. Once you have your color pallet, visit us to grab them a new pot or two. They will love the attention to detail and will think of you everytime they water the plant they put in there.


Lost in the Forrest Merch

Well, if you are still unsure, grab them some Lost in the Forrest Merch! It could be a T-Shirt. Crewneck, Pint Glass, Sticker, Plant Cooler, or even a Gift Card!


We hoped this helped you think of some gift ideas for the plant lovers in your life.

Thanks for reading, untill next week...GET LOST